Necrophiliac in the House

Is There a Necrophiliac in the House?

Some writers term this current period as a time of ‘Culture Wars’. Other writers and speakers mention a breakdown in culture. Regardless of how it is phrased, the family functions as a shock absorber to the rapid changes in society and our culture. The pressure from the rapid changes can overpower and overwhelm the family atmosphere at home. While parents attempt making the home a safe refuge, many social and cultural forces pressure the family and its cohesiveness.

One of the current threats to family functioning is the ‘Culture of Death’. This influence enters the home through various types of media. The culture of death idealizes death and violence as solutions to almost every problem. The increasingly realistic portrayals of violence and death in movies and video games along with sensationalism in the television reporting desensitize many to the horror of death. Incidents of tragic death occur with increasing frequency. In many ways, the ‘grim reaper’ himself seems to squeeze our families tighter and tighter.

Parents face a tremendous challenge in resisting the pressures from the ‘culture of death’ on the family. Parents can preserve the family and the vibrancy of life it contains from pressure that surround them.

The first place to start is alerting oneself to the reality of the struggle. Life and death are a part of our existence, yet an overly intense interest in death and violence is problematic.

Questions regarding the influence of ‘Culture of Death’ include:

  • Are a majority of your child’s video games focused on death and killing?
  • Is the violence in your child’s video games for blood sport rather than self-defense?
  • Does your child’s artwork or clothing contain frequent themes of death, skeletons or maimed body parts?
  • Does your child frequently watch movies with senseless violence and killing?
  • Does your child make frequent references to killing, shooting, blowing away in daily conversation?
  • Does your child frequently read magazines and comic books with gruesome and realistic portrayals of death and violence?
  • Does your child listen to music with frequent themes of death or violence as solutions to problems?
  • Does your child increasingly dress in black or other dark colors?
  • Does your child collect skulls, bones or objects associated with death?
  • Does your child associate or hang out with children overly fascinated with death?

If you answered yes to seven or more, there may be major problems with the ‘Culture of Death’ in your home that require immediate parental action. If you answered yes to four to six, there are areas needing parental attention. Three or fewer ‘yes’ responses indicate that your family is winning the battle.

One way to win the ‘Culture Wars’ is for parents to begin in the home to reclaim their family. In reclaiming the home, the family atmosphere can become one that of encouragement and life affirmation.