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After The Affair:

How Can I Trust You Again?

The Trust Formula For Rebuilding The Foundation Of Your Relationship

An affair does not have to mean the end of your marriage. You can once again have trust in your relationship.

Although the old foundations were damaged, you can build a new foundation and start over, should you choose to.

A few years ago, I conducted a survey of what the number #1 issue that couples are concerned with when an affair happens. That #1 issue was “Trust” by a HUGE majority, so finding ways to rebuild and restore trust was a major concern.

You would think that with “trusting your partner” being such a major issue, that people would know more about what trust is and how to build it.

When people know more about having sex than rebuilding trust it is only a matter of time before problems show up.

You can once again have confidence in your spouse and what they say.

Think about what it will be like when you no longer have to second guess or question things in the back of your mind.

Although my trust formula for rebuilding the foundation of your relationship is easy, many people try taking short-cuts and not excelling on building the foundation for trust.

When key ingredients are missing, the foundation is weak and shaky.

Instead of running around avoiding sensitive topics, playing communication games and dancing around things that are hurting you, you can instead have a solid marriage relationship where honest and open communication can occur.

Think about what it will be like to discuss the elephant in the room, rather than dance around it.

Imagine how refreshing it will be when you can ‘be yourself’ with your spouse.

When your marriage has a solid foundation, it can handle the stress of everyday life and major crises.

Think about how you will feel when the trust in your marriage rests on a solid foundation instead of a shaky one.

When a marriage has a solid foundation, both of you can feel more confident, and more secure.

You no longer have to dread the times when your spouse goes out of town, or worry about who is calling them at 12:15 am.

My ebook, How Can I Trust You Again, explores sensitive topics like:

  • Although you want trust in your marriage, do you know what trust is?
  • Which comes first, trust or forgiveness?
  • What makes rebuilding trust so hard?
  • Do you want to know how to rebuild trust in your spouse?

The answer to these and other questions about the #1 problem with affairs and infidelity are addressed in this guide to rebuilding trust in your marriage.

Even though you want to trust your partner again, you’ve lost all confidence in yourself and them.

You want to know how to forgive the cheating and how to trust your spouse, yet are not sure which comes first...

Getting trust and forgiveness in the wrong order often brings more heartache.

The affair changes the trust you have in your spouse, and changes your ability to trust yourself. The affair is a wake-up call that your marriage needs help.

“How Can I Trust You Again?” will:

  • Increase your self-confidence by trusting your own decision making and thinking again.
  • Reduce your mental confusion and second guessing that often happens with trust issues.
  • Give you the stability of a solid new foundation for your marriage relationship with a proven trust formula of concrete steps instead of touchy-feely experiences.
  • Increase the security you have in your marriage relationship, with solid improvements to your marriage and removal of debris from past hurts.
  • Reveals how powerful secret influences have been bending the trust in your marriage out of shape along with how to limit the power they have over your marriage.

Instead of second guessing yourself about trust in your marriage, you can know what to do and where to begin.

You will learn that there is much more to trust than just feeling secure.

There are ways of knowing whether the trust in your marriage has a solid foundation or if it is based on emotional hype.

You can know what specific steps to take in rebuilding trust in your marriage.

... Although you do not always see foundation, you know whether or not the foundation is solid.

THIS Is The Foundation Of Your Relationship.
Don't Do It By Yourself.

What we're talking about here IS the foundation of your relationship.  Trust, and more importantly, the trust that you share with your spouse, is what you will build a future on.

What you do from this point forward will make all the difference in the world.

It's possible that you can rebuild your relationship if you communicate in a certain way...  If you avoid certain types of questions...  And if you open yourself up to your spouses way of thinking.

Be careful though.  Without this ebook, you'll be walking a tightrope without a net.  You won't have anything to fall back on.  And more importantly...

You'll be doing it alone.

I've worked with hundreds of couples through this very issue...  Trust.  There are things to do and things not to do, and chances are you've already made some very serious mistakes.  You wouldn't be on this page if you didn't!

The good news is it's not too late.  You can still build a solid foundation for your relationship IF you act now, with this ebook in hand.

Why So Cheap?

Early on, I made a conscious decision to help as many relationships through this hardship as possible...

And that means making sure that there is next to no barrier of entry for folks like you, folks traveling this very difficult and tumultuous path.

So, when you download this ebook today, you'll get access to it immediately and it'll cost you less than $20...

That's right - my proven trust formula for rebuilding your relationship for less than a couple of trips to Starbucks.

Click the green button below to get started for only $19.97!  You'll get immediate access to the ebook after checkout!

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